NORMAN M'LEOD (79)—examined.
7179. The Chairman.
—Are you a crofter?
—No, I have no land now; I live in a bothy.
7180. You may be caned a cottar?
7181. At Skiniden ?
—No, at Fasach.
7182. When you were a young man, did you live at Skiniden ?
—No, in Colbost.
7183. But were you acquainted in those days with Skiniden?
—Yes, and I knew the people who occupied it.
7184. Do you remember of ever having seen the two islands of which we are speaking occupied by the people of Skiniden—that is, their pasture ground ?
—Yes; in possession of the crofters who were there when I myself was in Colbost.
7185. Did they look upon it as part of their own pasture?
—Yes, ever since my recollection it was looked upon as part of the grazing belonging to the township as much as the hill pasture.
7186. There was no special separate rent paid for it?
—I never heard that there was.
7187. When was it taken away from them?
—Forty-nine years ago this Whitsunday, when I myself and six others were tenants of Colbost.
7188. Sir Kenneth Mackenzie.
—That was when Mr Tolmie got the place?
—When Mr Tolmie got the place he gave us summonses of removal; and if I had the opportunity of telling the way in which we were warned off and dealt with in regard to the hill pasture and our rent, I
would tell.
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